Cookie Tradition

Why tiny cookies? Well, first of all–you can eat as many as you want and they don’t count! No, but seriously, the real credit goes to my mom, Barb. My mom used to make these cookies when I was growing up in Minnesota. She used to roll each one perfectly into a ball and then flatten the top of each ball just so slightly with her thumb. When I got to be old enough, I would wake up to the sounds of her making these cookies in the kitchen. I would wander into the kitchen, and she would let me help. She taught me how to level the flour off with the straight edge of the knife, and mix the dough just enough so it felt right in my hand. My mom did everything with this attention to detail and care. That has always been one of her superpowers.

When I got older and was living in New York City, trying to be an actress, but mostly working hard as a waitress. I started to reflect on this childhood experience with my mom. I started to realize how special that time was for me and it inspired me to start making Cinnamon Thumbs out of my Brooklyn apartment (my poor roommate). Because it meant something to me. It reminded me of the simple pleasure of spending time with my mom on those quiet mornings. Just me and her. There’s not a lot that can top that in life. Not to mention the fact that I LOVE COOKIES! I slowly started packaging them and selling them around NYC. Eventually, it became a little thriving cookie business.

So, enjoy these tiny butter cookies and know that they have been made with a lot of butter and a lot of love. And maybe they will inspire you to spend time with someone you love. Never underestimate how simple and special that might be.